發佈: 2020年3月31日 (星期二) | 9:10 PM
上主日我們的屬靈大家庭, 能夠齊集在網上敬拜神和同心的祈禱, 實在是何等的美好! 謝謝你們在這充滿挑戰和困難的時刻, 仍然彼此代禱和互相扶持。
我鼓勵所有弟兄姊妹 (如果有空的話) 與全國其他的宣道會堂會一起參加虛擬的祈禱會和領聖餐。聚會將於本地時間4月2日 (星期四) 早上10:00至11:15舉行。請參閱我們會長Dave Hearn牧師的來函, 並從速報名參加由宣道會總會主辦的虛擬聚會。請多保重, 祈願神佑!
Dear Alliance family,
I am excited to call you into a virtual time of prayer and communion. Community, even virtual community, is the place where we find hope, perspective, and clarity to stand during times of fear and uncertainty, and in particular, the power of praise as a place to declare God's supremacy over everything.
Register to join us on Thursday, April 2nd from 1:00-2:15PM EST to raise our prayer as a “Hallelujah.” 20+ Alliance leaders from across the country will lead and guide us as we pray together for our neighbourhoods, our nation, and our world.
I encourage you to forward this email to your congregation and staff, inviting them to register and join us as we raise a hallelujah.
May the valley of fear and despair become the place of blessing and hope.
David Hearn
President, The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada
上午 9:00 至 下午 5:00